Beachvolleyball | Skimboarden | Discgolf | Kubbing

1+ hour(s)

1 - 80 participants

+4 years

From €7,50 p.p.


Field day, group outing, or team building day on the beach? For an active beach day, we have several beach games that we set up, as desired in a competition or hexathlon. Enthusiastic coaches are used to explain the games, keep track of scores and, last but not least, they support the teams and jump in where necessary.

There is a choice of the following beach games:

  • Disc golf
  • Foot golf
  • Beach volleyball
  • Beach tennis
  • Skimboarding
  • Slackline
  • Indo balance boarding
  • Kubbing
  • Jeu de Boules

These activities can be combined with each other to create an active beach day. For example, start the afternoon with powerkiting or supping, have a BBQ under our tent and finish off the day with a beach volleyball tournament.

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60 minutes or more


from €7,50